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Winstrol 50mg
Winstrol 50mg
General information:
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma, Europe
Substance: Stanozolol
Pack: 100 tabs (50 mg/tab)
What is Winstrol 50mg?
Winstrol 50mg, the brand name for Stanozolol, is an anabolic steroid both available as oral and injectable ideal for cutting cycles. This steroid helps gain lean and hard muscle growth, it doesn’t convert to estrogen and doesn’t retain water like Dianoxyl thus making it a favorable steroid during cutting cycles. Why Winstrol 50mg is better for cutting cycles? Because of joint problems, it should be administered where weight training is lighter otherwise it can cause serious joint problems.
Winstrol 50mg is a reliable builder and much cheaper than other anabolic steroids on the black market. If an athlete seeks a rapid muscle mass increase with a defined physique than he can opt for Stanozolol – almost the same efficacy like Trenboxyl Enanthate 200. Another good advantage about Winstrol 50mg is its unique ability to decrease the amount of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), and allowing it to stack other steroids at a time without lowering the dose. So, for example many bodybuilders may stack Winstrol 50mg with Proviroxyl for more effective results in building qualitative muscle mass. More sensitive athletes may stack Winstrol 50mg with Primoxyl 100 or Nandroxyl 250 or Boldaxyl 300 for good visible results and less side effects.
Winstrol 50mg Side Effects
As many anabolic steroids, Winstrol 50mg also has side effects as well as serious side effects if the dose is increased above normal. The most common side effects are dry joints, liver- toxicity (which are common for all oral steroids), increased/decreased libido, insomnia, depression, facial acne, baldness, and possibly tendon brittleness. Even though Winstrol 50mg is a moderately androgenic steroid it still can cause virilizing changes in women, yet administered in low doses it shouldn’t remain a concern. It is recommended to take N2Guard during a Winstrol 50mg cycle in order to protect the liver, kidneys, heart and overall health.
Winstrol 50mg Dosage
Winstrol 50mg can be either administered as oral or injectable. Both of them have adverse side effects in higher doses. The oral steroid is liver toxic, while injections are painful and the only differences are based solely on price and quantity. A dosage of 40 to 100 mg or (15-25mg tablets) per day appears to be optimal for men, and around 5 to 15 (2 mg tablets) mg per day for women. For quicker and more desired results, an athlete will combine it with other steroids like Dianoxyl or Anadroxyl. Oral stanozolol’s life activity is usually 8 to 9 hours, while of injectable Stanoxyl is about 48 hours.
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MELBOURNE: If you hate the idea of hitting the gym, a new 'hulk' protein can help you achieve a toned and muscular look, scientists claim. Scientists in Australia say they have discovered one of the molecular keys to a protein that promotes weight and muscle mass gain, without any exercise involved like steroids. Researchers found that by blocking the function of Grb10, nicknamed the 'Hulk' protein , while mice were in the womb, they were considerably stronger and more muscular at birth than normal mice.
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This article is mainly supposed for beginners in steroids usage, for those who want to begin a steroids cycle and still doubt about the expected effects of anabolic steroids, it will be useless for old juicers or steroids experts. I want to mention that this is not a promotional article, so please don't treat me wrongly, If you doubt about beginning steroids usage then please don't think we are trying to convince you to begin juicing, this article has been written for informational purpose only.
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This article has been written to list the main points to consider for the guys who want to begin using Human Growth Hormone. This is not a scientific article and I am not an expert in endocrinology, so I won't blow up your mind with smart-looking phrases and medical terminology, I won't speak about Human Growth Hormone and society, human growth hormone and diabetes, chromosomes, polypeptides bla bla bla, you can find all these in any medical encyclopedia. I've just put together the answers to the most important questions which can appear while beginning usage of human growth hormone. Somebody will consider this article stupid but I hope there will be some people who will find it useful.